
Biblical Basis for Laying on of Hands
Everyone has a favorite way of ministering to sick people. The good news is that as long as you’re applying biblical principles, one way is not superior to another. Do whatever is successful for you. More importantly, do whatever the Holy Spirit directs.
My next few articles will be showcasing the various biblical methods used to minister to the sick. The focus of this one will be the “laying on of hands.” This is my own personal favorite. In Mark 16:18 Jesus said “…they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” To me, that’s a pretty simple healing method.
“Laying on of hands” doesn’t require lengthy prayers, a spectacular emotional scene, sensationalism that pressures people to scream and shake all over the place, or pushing them so hard they fall to the floor. Now sometimes these type of manifestations will occur, under the influence of the Holy Spirit. That’s a beautiful thing. But no one profits from a deceitful or manipulative form of “laying on of hands.”
Who Qualifies to Lay Hands on the Sick?
Who are the people that are qualified to heal the sick? Who was Jesus referring to when He said, “they will lay hands on the sick?” This article on How to Start a Healing Ministry best answers that question. But the most simplistic response is this: All believers! Mark 16:17 says, “And these signs will follow those who believe.” If you believe in Jesus Christ and have made Him Lord of your life, you qualify to heal the sick. And not only that, if you read Mark 16:17-18 in its entirety, you’ll see that as a believer you have been given the authority to cast out demons, speak in a special spirit language, and receive divine protection against potentially deadly things. That’s a pretty awesome portfolio of benefits for believers!
If you’re going to engage in the laying on of hands, you have to believe in divine healing. If you want signs, wonders, and miracles to manifest when you lay hands on people, you have to believe you can handle Satan and his demons as that is the source of sickness (Acts 10:38). You have to believe that biblical healing is as relevant today as it was in the days of Jesus and His disciples. Never be afraid to step out and do the things God has called believers to do.
The First Way Jesus Healed People
During the earthly ministry of Jesus, the first way He healed people was by the laying on of hands. It was through a personal touch. And “touching” still works today! But how does that happen? When you, as a Spirit-filled believer, lay your hands on someone, the power of God goes out of you and into the person you’re touching. The same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead resides in every Spirit-filled person. It’s the power of the Holy Spirit, and it can be transferred!
In fact, the person you’re laying hands on doesn’t even have to be a Christian. Oh, I’m fully aware that’s contrary to the belief of many Christians, but my own miraculous healing from terminal cancer testifies to that truth! In my very candid written testimony, “The Bride Wore Black,” you can clearly see how far away I was from God when I received a medical miracle. Jesus administered healing to both Jews and Gentiles, and believers today need to lay hands on all kinds of sick people, both Christians and non-Christians. No one is exempt from receiving a healing from God! And I’m living proof that perfection is not a prerequisite to receive a healing. The bible is clear regarding God’s will for all His creation to be saved and living a life free from sickness.
I would encourage you to read the New Testament Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. As you do, pay close attention to this one thing: How did Jesus heal the sick? You’ll find many examples of how Jesus healed people. In Mark 1:40-42 Jesus simply “touched” the leper. Once again, in Mark 5:35-42, Jesus simply took the hand of a twelve-year-old girl who had died. When He did, she was immediately restored back to life! In both of these accounts, Jesus only spoke a few words as He “touched” the person. Mark 7:32-35 is yet another example of Jesus “touching” someone who needed healing, this time a man who was deaf and mute. Jesus put His fingers in the man’s ears and spoke one word (the Greek word ephphatha, which means “be opened” in English). There was an incredible release of power when Jesus touched sick people, and that same power is available to every believer today!
There’s Great Power in Your Hands!
Your hands are a valuable commodity in the ministry of healing; realize the importance of a “touch.” Touching is important in many areas of our life. Whenever my toddler Grandson falls, he comes running to me. He knows I’m going to lay my hands on him and ask Jesus to heal him. Almost the moment I touch him, he stops crying. That touch does something special for him. In his mind, it says, “everything is going to be okay.” Now, at barely three-years-old, he lays his hands on people and asks Jesus to heal them! Recently, when his mommy wasn’t feeling well, he went to her bedside and proceeded to lay his little hands on the exact area that hurt, and asked Jesus to heal her. No one prompted him to do that!
When I was in the hospital, prior to my medical miracle, there was one special nurse that came by my room every time her shift ended in the middle of the night. She knew I would be awake, in pain. She would always hold my hand and tell me everything would be all right. She believed in the healing power of Jesus! Even though I was living a life of rebellion, and dying of cancer, she believed Jesus could heal me and turn my life around. She was right! There was just something indescribable that happened every time she touched me. There’s great power in a simple touch! I always looked forward to her visits.
Even with few words, a little touch can speak volumes in people’s lives. It tells them you understand their grief, and want to see their situation changed.
The Sick Person Will Recover!
A note of encouragement when laying hands on the sick. Oftentimes, when I lay hands on people there will be an immediate manifestation of healing. But sometimes the healing is a progression, it comes over time. Also, if the infirmity was something not visible on the outside, they may not even realize the healing occurred until they revisit their physician and receive confirmation from the doctor. Here’s the point: even if you can’t immediately see any change, keep touching and praying in faith believing that it will happen. Let’s look at Mark 16:18 again. The latter part of that verse says, “they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
I want you to focus on the words “will recover.” In the Greek text (the original language of the New Testament), the words “will recover” are translated like this: “They will begin to amend from that moment forward!” In other words, the very moment you laid hands on a sick person, healing virtue was transferred into their body, and from that precise moment divine healing will be at work in their body. The healing may be apparent right away, or it may be realized in a few hours, days, or weeks. But, according to scripture, it will happen! Don’t be fooled into thinking nothing has happened. With the laying on of hands, miracles are instantaneous, but many healings are a process that will be confirmed in the very near future. Whether or not you can “see” any difference immediately, is irrelevant. The Word of God says the process of healing has begun… the moment you touched them!
QUESTION: Have you engaged in the “laying on of hands” when ministering healing to someone? Feel free to share your experience with our reader’s in the “reply” box below!
© Glenda Motsavage and Sozo Ministries International, 2017
Naomi Lay
My 68 year old husband David was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2021. We have since gone forward in church and had elders lay hands on him, anoint him with oil, and pray the prayer of faith (at 3 different churches) and I have laid hands and prayed for his healing many times. So far we have not seen any manifestation of his healing and his health has deteriorated to the point that he now can only walk with a walker and his speech is often not clear. There have been times when I’ve laid hands on him and prayed and he has felt something and noticed some part of his condition get a bit better. Usually this is short lived, though (maybe for just that day). What I’m wondering is, should I start laying hands and praying for my husband’s healing every night until we start to see his healing manifesting? Thank you for any advice you can share!
In Christ’s love,
Naomi Grace
Rev Glenda Motsavage
Good morning dear woman of God! I’m so sorry your husband is facing this immense challenge. Your question is valid, and asked frequently by those in the Body of Christ.
My response would be… PUSH… meaning “Pray Until Something Happens!” Be encouraged that even Jesus Himself had to pray for the blind man of Bethsaida more than once (Mark 8:22-26). There are instant healings, and there are progressive ones. At the age of 29, I was instantly healed by the power of God of a stage 5 cancerous tumor. Years later, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, a debilitating autoimmune disease. With that demonic disease I was healed little by little, progressively over time.
I believe the key is to not lose heart (which is easier said than done when you’re not the one experiencing the physical and emotional pain). And never waver in your belief that Jesus is Jehovah-Rapha, the Lord our Healer! The Bible gives many reasons why healing may be difficult to receive, but it’s never because it is not His Will!
Therefore, yes, absolutely keep laying on hands, anointing with oil, and keep praying for David (pray diligently for his emotional state as well). Keep doing everything you are doing, and do not allow naysayers or skeptics, even in the Church, to discourage you. Please know I will be praying for you both!
I seek God for more understanding on healing. I too would like to lay hands on people and have them recover. But I try on myself as I suffer debilitating pain in my legs. And several other physical problems. So I dont feel I can since I cant even get myself to recover. If this is something we as believers should be doing, I want to do it but have no idea how.
Rev Glenda Motsavage
Oh Dear One, you are believing the same lie I did many years ago. The enemy always wants us to think we are disqualified for ministry for various reasons, one of those being if we are not currently walking in divine health we cannot pray for the sick! Twelve years ago I was scheduled to preach at many churches in my home State of Pennsylvania. My schedule was completely booked for the entire summer. A week or two prior to leaving, I developed an issue wherein I was having difficulty swallowing. It got worse and worse, until I was eating nothing but soft foods and liquids. The doctor gave me a prescription that didn’t seem to help. I decided to cancel those meetings. Immediately, I received a phone call from one of the Pastor’s. He said he believed it was a ploy of the enemy to abort the plan of God, and the Church needed to hear the teachings and messages on healing that I had prepared for God’s people. He encouraged me to keep my schedule, step out in faith, and he believed the Lord was going to heal me. I did what the Pastor asked, and the Lord did His part! Within a week I began to feel better, and midway through summer I had no symptoms at all! Additionally, those meetings were some of the best my ministry has experienced. Many were healed and set free by the power of God! I’m encouraging you to do the same. Faith without works is dead. Even in your pain, step out in faith. Scripture says, “Pray for one another that YOU may be healed!” God is not looking for perfect people, He’s looking for willing and obedient people. Don’t worry about a formula. There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to praying for the sick. Take the healing scriptures you already know, and run with them! Little is much when God is in it! The Word of God, along with your faith, can move mountains! I am praying for you. God bless you Mary!
My mother n law was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I have always wanted God to use me for healing by laying on of hands but I feel that since I haven’t been in the word everyday or living a blameless life that I am not worthy of such ability.
When I heard about her diagnosis the very first image that came to me was me laying my hands on her and praying for her healing. What I want is for this image to be from God and not from me.
Rev Glenda Motsavage
Hi Mike, thanks for stopping by sozo4all today! I do believe the image you received was from God since it totally lines up with the Word of God. As believers, we ALL have been given the mandate in Mark 16:18 to “lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”
I want to encourage you in that God isn’t looking for perfect people to be His hands and feet on this earth, only obedient people! Perfection is not a prerequisite to be used by God. Start by taking advantage of 1 John 1:9 (confess your sins, make a commitment to change, then begin to bear fruit worthy of repentance). It’s that easy Mike; our God is not a hard taskmaster! It’s the voice of the devil that wants you to believe you’re not worthy for service to God. Believing that lie renders you useless in the Kingdom, which is precisely the plan of the enemy.
You already have the key ingredients… faith and compassion! Your mother-in-law needs you. And God needs you to step up to the plate to fulfill your destiny in Him, which includes laying hands on the sick! Please know that I am praying in agreement with you and the faithful Word of God. Blessings to you.
Stephen Edgerton
My name is Stephen Edgerton and I am 63 years old and live in Houston TX. For some time I have been feeling an unction that The Lord wants me to start praying for the sick through laying on of hands. Now I am just a lay person but I often feel The Presence of The Lord, I mean I really feel it and I am beginning to believe that God wants me to release it, but since I don’t have people coming up to me on the street asking me to pray for them I am not sure where to begin. All I am asking is for you to pray that The Lord would make it clear how to begin. Thank you
Rev Glenda Motsavage
Hello Stephen, thanks for visiting sozo4all. You, my friend, are exactly the type of person God is looking for – ordinary people to do extraordinary acts by the power of the Holy Spirit! Please, please, please, never say “I am just a lay person.” I am alive today because of an obedient “lay person” in the church. She was not a pastor, not on staff, no formal bible school or theological training – simply a woman of compassion and a heart after God to do His will. She knew the holy Scriptures, how to pray, how to lay hands on the sick, and how to tarry in intercessory prayer. She did all of that on my behalf, and God responded with a supernatural documented medical miracle right in front of my Oncologist! Clearly, you have the same attributes as “Patty the payer warrior!” (That’s what I call her.) God is not looking for titles before or after your name, He’s not requiring you to wear a priest’s collar, nor stand on the street corner with a Bible in hand. He’s searching for a humble, compassionate, imperfect but obedient soul to advance His Kingdom on this earth. You are qualified! I’m praying God will open doors of opportunity for you. In the meantime, start right where you are… in your own family, your own neighborhood, your own community, etc. Perhaps begin a “small group” session in your home teaching people about the healing virtue of Jesus Christ. Always pray before leaving the house, ask God for opportunities, then be super sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit alerting you to people in need. Pray this scripture, “Call unto Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3). God has never stopped revealing and healing! For what it’s worth Stephen, I was laying hands on the sick, teaching classes on healing, and even preached my first sermon way before I was ever formally licensed as a minister. Your “gifting” will go before you, and make a way for itself! God will work with you, confirming His Word with signs following! That’s the promise of God to you.