God of Miracles: Tumors Disappear

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God of Miracles - Tumors Disappear


A Cancerous Tumor Disappears

All miracles are extraordinary, but every once in a while God performs miracles that are truly out of the ordinary. I’m talking about the kind of healing miracles that captivate the heart of humanity and mesmerize the medical community into silence. 30+ years ago God miraculously intervened and dissolved a cancerous tumor right in front of my Oncologist’s eyes. Dr. Carlson was speechless, and had no [medical] explanation for what he witnessed. That was over three decades ago, and I have been preaching, teaching, and imparting the healing power of God ever since.

Oh sure, people have challenged my unwavering conviction of biblical healing. In their unbelief, they say healing is not God’s will for everyone. I respectfully disagree. They say I’m obsessed “with this healing thing.” And with all due respect, I agree. I have to, unapologetically — it’s part of my gift and calling to the body of Christ. You see, what God did for me, He desires to do for all. He is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). Do you think the God who created the human race likes me better than you? Of course not! God shows no partiality. Should He do so, He would be chargeable with favoritism.

Hubby Receives a Devastating Diagnosis

Therefore, when my husband received a devastating diagnosis a few weeks ago, I had two choices. I could crumble under the weight of emotional pain and agony, thinking I was losing him. Or, I could practice what I preach, and believe that if God did a miracle for me, He will do it for hubby. After all, God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). I chose to open my heart with confident expectation that the explosive miracle-working power of God would begin to flow through my hands for the benefit of my husband and for the glory of God. Here was my stance: If God could unleash His power into me to destroy a cancerous tumor, then certainly He could unleash His power through me, to annihilate hubby’s tumors.

The medical report said, and the multiple CAT scans confirmed, there were three different masses in hubby’s body — one tumor in the bladder, and one inoperable tumor in each of his kidneys, as well as lymph node involvement throughout. There in the doctor’s office, the Urologist showed us the slides of this demonic invasion, and outlined the course of action: surgery to remove what he could, followed by aggressive cancer treatments and kidney dialysis.

Words Have Power!

Hubby and I were not moved by those negative words. In fact, there was a peace and calm that seemed almost unnatural. The nice doctor repeated everything a second time. I’m pretty sure he thought we were not comprehending the severity of the illness. But I refused to panic and give place to the devil. I knew the doctor was only speaking by what he saw, and by what his medical experience taught him. Clearly, this diagnosis was a death sentence, especially for someone in hubby’s age bracket. But nothing is impossible for God (Luke 1:37)! And hubby and I walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7)! We know the Great Physician personally, and His report (the Word of God) supersedes every negative word we were hearing. I keep a hand-written note in my bible that says, “Do not deny the diagnosis, only defy the verdict!”

After arriving home, the very first thing I did was to call upon the prayer warriors and my [hand-picked] intercessors — those who would commit to fasting and praying for hubby on a regular basis. We could not fight this battle alone (Matthew 18:19). Then I began to bind every negative word spoken over my husband. Words have power, for good or for bad. Once they are released into the atmosphere, they will produce something — either blessings or cursing. Here’s how the bible says it…

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” (Proverbs 18:21)

Actually, God reiterates this spiritual truth time and time again in His Word. (Additional reading: Proverbs 12:13, Proverbs 13:3, Matthew 12:37, Deuteronomy 30:19)

With one small word we can build up, or tear down. Our words can be a mass of destruction or a mass of blessings. The good news is that as a Christian, we have the power to bind up every negative word spoken over us, and then loose God’s blessings instead. I immediately used my believer’s authority to curse those negative words from the doctor, render them null and void, and made a declaration that my husband would not reap that awful harvest. Then I began to loose the power of the Holy Spirit to release healing virtue into every organ, tissue, and cell of hubby’s body.

(If you’ve never heard of the biblical principle of “binding and loosing,” Jesus Himself taught the concept in Matthew 16:19. The definition, in its most simplified form, simply means to forbid by an indisputable authority and to permit by an indisputable authority.)

A word of caution: Even well-meaning, spirit-filled Christians, at times, may speak things that are less than God’s will into your life.  You must remind yourself that the promises of God are far superior to anyone’s personal experience.

Lay Hands on the Sick… and they WILL Recover

I anointed my husband with holy oil from Jerusalem (signifying the presence of the Holy Spirit), laid my hands on his sick body according to Mark 16:18, and commanded those tumors to be dissolved. My simple belief was this: I was certain that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead also lives in me, therefore, the Spirit of God was right there alongside me to quicken my husband’s mortal body (Romans 8:11)! My hands became the conduit between a sick person and a miracle-working God.

I believed that the very moment I laid my hands on hubby, he began to recover. That’s the promise of God! Even though hubby didn’t feel any different, and I had no outward evidence of healing, there was a “knowing” in my spirit that it had been done (Hebrews 11:1).

Confirmation of the Miracle

Hubby had the scheduled surgery at the hospital. Afterwards, the Urologist met with me in the waiting room. He was holding several sheets of paper as he spoke. He started by saying he removed the tumor in the bladder in its entirety, and took a lot of surrounding tissue, deep into the third layer, to be biopsied. Then, as he lifted two of the papers, he showed me the “before and after” photos of the kidneys. He said, “I’m in amazement. As I went to biopsy the kidneys, there was nothing there! The tumors that you see on this paper were not there! Here’s the x-ray that I took in the operating room which clearly shows nothing in the right or the left kidney.” He noted that since he was already prepared to do a kidney biopsy, he went ahead and did one “as a precaution.” “Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!” Those were the words that flew out of my mouth into the atmosphere of that waiting room!

Testing him, I asked, “But doctor how could that be?” He said, “I don’t know. The radiologist seen the tumors, and I seen them as well. I have no explanation.”

During hubby’s recovery in the hospital, once again the Urologist reminded us that we were awaiting the pathology reports. He said, “Clearly, it’s cancer and  will require treatments in proportion to the “stage.” One week later, as we met in his office to have hubby’s stents and tubing removed, we received the pathology report.  The doctor was over-joyed and couldn’t wait to give us “the good news” (those were his words). The bladder tumor (that was completely removed) was only on the outer edge. It was non-invasive and did not even reach the second layer of tissue, although he biopsied into the third layer. He said the report was so surprising to him that there would be no need for any follow-up treatments! He also confirmed the kidney biopsies were perfectly normal!

Do You Need a Miracle?

Virtually every day (whether through Sozo4all website, or in person) I receive emails and requests from desperate people with devastating circumstances. Oftentimes, they will say, “God I need a miracle,” and proceed to ask for a “miracle prayer.” I explain to them there is no “miracle prayer,” only miracles as a result of prayer. If there were some instant “magical” prayer we could pray, our faith would be in the prayer itself, instead of in the Healer. God cannot be controlled like a puppet on a string. He is only moved by faith.

I would encourage you to begin praying the healing scriptures of the bible. Speak them out loud, and often, until you begin to believe them in your spirit. Something supernatural happens when your mind and your heart come into agreement.

The purpose of this article is to instill faith in you, and to encourage you to believe God wants you (and your loved ones) well. Remember, He is no respecter of persons. What He did for my family, He desires to do for you.

In Conclusion, Here Are a Few Practical Tips for Healing…

  • Be careful who you ask for prayer. Do not choose people who pray, “Lord, if it be thy will.” God’s will for healing has already been established in His Word. His will for you is sozo — complete and total wholeness in body, soul, and spirit.
  • Don’t let your faith waiver because of other people’s experiences. Stand firmly on the healing promises of God according to scripture. (Here’s a downloadable and printable PDF of the healing scriptures in the bible.)
  • Seek medical attention and do as they say. However, do not put your faith solely in doctors, only in Jesus the Great Physician. Doctor’s treat people — Jesus heals them!
  • Don’t give up on someone’s healing because of [advanced] age. Pray for a 90-year-old with the same fervency you would for an infant. Help them receive their healing. They don’t have to be sick in order to go home to be with the Lord. He can simply “take their breath away.”
  • Never believe people have to be a Christian to be healed. Healing may be the “dinner bell” to salvation for them. (My own testimony bears witness to this truth.) Most of the healings in the Book of Acts were performed on those who were not in the Church. God used healings as a means to grab their attention. He still does!
  • Remember to give the testimony of your healing (Revelation 12:11). When your healing manifests itself and you recover and have the opportunity to testify — do it! Testimonies bring glory to God and help encourage others.


QUESTION: Do you have need of the miracle-working power of God to flow through your body? Or perhaps you desire this kind of divine power to operate in your ministry? I’d be happy to pray for you. Simply reply in the comment box below, or send a private message through the contact page.



Follow Rev Glenda Motsavage:

Rev Glenda is a licensed minister, published author, bible teacher and conference speaker.

2 Responses


    i have a cataract in my left eye and have been commanding it to dissolve in the mighty Name of Jesus but it is still there and I’m becoming weary, – i know i shouldn’t – but it’s getting me down. could you please pray that it will dissolve and never come back. thank you. i look forward to hearing from you.
    i had a rash a growth and an itch the same time as the cataract and they all disappeared but the cataract didn’t hence the reason i am asking for your help. thank you.

    • Rev Glenda Motsavage

      Hello Janet. Thanks so much for visiting sozo4all! I rejoice with you over the healings you have already received, and agree in prayer with you for the dissolving of the cataract in your left eye. I can assure you that God heard your prayer the very first day you prayed about this situation. Sometimes, however, there is a delay in the manifestation of the healing. Daniel 10:12-13 is one of the best biblical examples of delayed answer to prayer in the entire Bible. This is a very vivid picture of what goes on behind the scenes when we pray – the battle in the heavenlies!

      It is important not to let your faith waiver nor yield to doubt. Stay plugged in to your power source (the Holy Spirit), and every day thank Him for receiving your healing (since we know God has heard you!). I’m praying for complete restoration of your physical sight, and also 20/20 spiritual vision. God has need of Prophets and Seers in these end times – those who can see the unseen with spiritual eyes. Moving forward, as you pray for yourself and others, I believe the “revelatory” gifts of the Holy Spirit will begin to manifest like never before! (See 1 Corinthians 12:1-11)

      Additionally, to answer a prior question you asked, YES INDEED you can lay hands on yourself as a Spirit-filled Christian! I do it all the time! Oh that the Church would receive the revelation of how to transmit God’s power through the laying on of hands! This is one of the foundational doctrines mentioned in Hebrews 6:1-2, and part of the Great Commission for every believer. Power is power, and it is no less effective going into your own body versus transmitting it to someone else through your hands!

      Thanks again for visiting and many blessings to you, my dear sister in Christ.

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