You Can Be Healed! Exposing the Roots of Sickness

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You Can Be Healed! Exposing the Roots of your Sickness, Illness, & Disease


Getting to the Bottom of your Sickness, Illness & Disease

Have you ever had to deal with lingering sickness, illness or disease? I’m talking about the kind that just won’t seem to go away no matter what you do. You’ve tried multiple doctors, various tests, many medications, crazy concoctions of natural remedies, and a plethora of prayer. But nothing seems to work long term. Short periods of relief were followed by a new onslaught of symptoms, often more intense than the original. All you have to show for your efforts are a medicine cabinet overflowing with pills and a bank account depleted from outrageously priced medical bills. You’re not alone!

Even as Christians, we sometimes struggle with a much needed breakthrough healing. In fact, the Church is oftentimes as sick as the unchurched world. I can attest to this from decades of preaching, teaching, and imparting the healing virtue of Jesus Christ to congregations large and small. On occasion, the morning church service had practically run into the evening service because of the vast amount of congregants that responded to my altar call for healing. As I laid hands on the sick, personally praying for each precious person, repeatedly the line would stretch the length of the sanctuary. Some would receive an instant healing, others left with the same sorry symptoms they came with. But if God heals, why not everyone?

That’s a common question I hear, over and over again. It’s a valid argument, but one that requires more than a few minutes to answer. There are many reasons — but thankfully scriptural truths taken directly from the Word of God can bring a greater understanding of the hindrances to our healing, if only we take the time to study them out. I began that learning process three decades ago, and the Holy Spirit has been faithful to bring much enlightenment and loads of revelation regarding biblical healing. One thing I have learned for certain, it is God’s will for you to be healed! That is not only my belief, but my unwavering conviction.

Another thing I learned is that we have to track the source of sickness. In other words, we have to get to the root of our sickness, illness, and disease. When we get sick, the symptoms tend to show up way before the root is exposed. It’s imperative we focus on the cause of the unhealthy symptoms. Sometimes it’s an easy diagnosis. But when we are suffering physically, with no clear-cut medical explanation, that’s a good indication there is a spiritual root that must be revealed and uprooted in order for healing to occur. Let me explain this principle through the aid of a word picture…

A Serious Life Lesson from Tiny Ants

A few years ago I had a major problem with tiny little ants that had seemingly invaded my home. I tried everything to rid my house of these nuisance ants. They would scuttle their creepy black bodies across my kitchen counter, then in a perfectly formed vertical line play follow the leader up my kitchen walls. Regardless of the bug repellant used, everything from Raid to do-it-yourself homemade remedies, they only provided a temporary solution. A day or two later they were back…only multiplied.

I could not for the life of me figure out the entry point. I spent hours cleaning window sills, sliding glass door tracks, and every other entryway into the house. I knew there had to be a central command center somewhere, but hubby and I could not locate it. How could something so small be so malicious and cruel? Out of desperation and frustration we called a professional exterminator. Every three months they would apply a treatment, not only in every room of the house, but also outside around the entire perimeter. But even that only seemed to put them in remission. Perplexed, the exterminator agreed to check the only part of the house he had not been to — the attic! Finally, after months and months of searching, the mystery was solved. The root of the problem had been discovered. The Queen Ant (the adult, reproducing female ant in an ant colony) was uncovered in the darkness of the attic!

This may not sound like a big deal to you, but here’s why it mattered:

  • Queen ants are the founders of all colonies. Once mated, she can stay fertilized for many years laying millions of eggs.
  • Some queen ants can lay thousands of eggs each day.
  • Queen ants also have the record for the longest living of all insects, up to thirty years!

With statistics like that, it’s no wonder my house was overrun by ants! Can you see why it was imperative we get to the root of that problem?

You Can Be Healed!

And so it is with sickness in our bodies. We can treat the outward symptoms, but until we get to the more serious root, we may not experience lasting results. As a minister of healing, I’m always on a root-bound quest. Whenever someone has been sick for an extended period of time, I believe it’s crucial we take time to dig deeper into their life in an effort to find the source. Jesus provided the ultimate sacrifice for our healing (1 Peter 2:24). If we are not walking in His victory, we need to find the hindrance to our healing. It could be a matter of life or [premature] death.

More and more, whether in small group workshops or large scale conferences, I have been teaching on the subject of spiritual roots. The Church has a strong belief that Jesus heals, but when they can’t seem to receive it, they give up far too easily. That’s a scheme of Satan! We absolutely need more training in this area.

As a result of innumerable requests over the past three decades, I have released a publication called, “You Can Be Healed! Exposing The Roots Of Your Sickness, Illness, & Disease.” The first run will be in a digital (eBook) format only, with paperback to follow. Whether you are the sick person trying to get healed, or a minister of healing, I know this biblical study will be a game-changer for you. The book reveals 13 hindrances to your healing, all scripturally based (and includes one timely bonus chapter). Some are a no-brainer, others you’ve likely never considered. You Can Be Healed! is a carefully chosen checklist of the most common spiritual roots that can make people sick. I encourage you to look over the list and see if perhaps the Lord is desiring to reveal a specific key that will unlock your healing. I believe strongly that many Christians are coping with sickness, rather than conquering. That was never God’s will for you. He desires for you to be made whole.

Excerpt from You Can Be healed!

“I see it everyday. Desperate people who have purchased the best prescriptions and procedures money can buy, and yet complaining their cutting-edge medical care is vastly incomplete, sometimes fatally so. You Can Be Healed is all about allowing God to reveal painfully true details that medical science doesn’t dare deal with. This eye-opening information has been a game-changer for me. I’ve become an upstreamist for sure with my approach to healing. In the same way that a physician’s quick-hit symptomatic relief method doesn’t always work, neither does a quick prayer that simply deals with symptoms we see on the surface. Biblical healing often mandates that we see the unseen.”





Question: Do you know someone who has struggled with sickness? I would love to pray for a breakthrough healing. Please leave a prayer request in the comment box below or via the contact page.



Follow Rev Glenda Motsavage:

Rev Glenda is a licensed minister, published author, bible teacher and conference speaker.

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